The rumors are true! There is a brand new FlowRider® Double in France’s beautiful capital city of Paris. Just 2 km away from the Eiffel Tower in the 15th arrondissement is Wave in Paris. This new venue is three fold – first there is of course the FlowRider surf simulator, then some amazing food from a local restaurateur called Rice Trotters and also a dedicated space for 4 beautiful squash courts upstairs.

A peek inside before the ribbon cutting!
There have been hundreds (if not thousands) of inquiries that have streamed in from France over the years. Our amazing client Jean-Baptiste Piette finally made the leap. He saw the FlowBarrel Ten Double in Durban, South Africa over a decade ago and from that day on he has dreamt about having his own FlowRider business. When the city of Paris decided a few years ago to run a contest for Parisians to create a business plan revolved around helping Parisians play in their city, Jean-Baptiste knew he needed to enter. The winner would get a grant from the city to help execute their plan! How cool is that? JB is no stranger to running sports-centric businesses, so he entered the contest and WON!

One of the coolest spectator spots we’ve seen.
Fast forward to their grand opening yesterday and, wow, people are pumped! There aren’t many activities like this in the heart of the city – hence the contest – so this is really a step forward for Parisians to get out of their apartments and experience something new. It’s indoors too, so Wave in Paris can run year round.
Welcome to Flow Family, JB & Team. We are honored to work with you and are sure this venue will lead to much happiness for your fellow city dwellers and visitors alike!